One of the best parts of working on The Source is getting a chance to see stuff in progress, or getting bits of info about the creative process. With that in mind, we talked TEEN TITANS Editor Brian Cunningham into giving us a look-see at what goes into creating the RAVAGER co-feature, which will kick off with TEEN TITANS #72(in stores on 6/24, natch), from writer Sean McKeever and artist Yildiray Cinar. Take it away, Brian:
"Yildiray’s such a strong storyteller that I wanted to share some of the various stages of his art.
First, he sends along rough page layouts for approval. The layout above is page 1 of the RAVAGER co-feature. Sometimes, either writer Sean McKeever, assistant editor Rex Ogle or myself will notice something amiss that affects the story and request a tweak. Yildiray is wonderful to work with, in that respect — he takes the storytelling very seriously.
This is the pencil art stage. Yildiray really thrives when it comes to adding shadows.
And then Júlio Ferreira worked his magic ink brush on the pages to great effect. Júlio really nails all the wonderful textures in Yildiray’s work.
You’ll notice in this layout for a flashback scene that Yildiray mistakenly gave Deathstroke a full goatee...
...but he gave Slade his shave in the pencil stage.
And Júlio meticulously inks it all in, adding subtle details and textures. I can’t tell you how much of a hoot it is to see pages come in from these guys every step of the way!"

Take a look inside the RAVAGER co-feature
BY: DCE Editorial
Wednesday, May 20th, 2009