You won't find any impostors hiding in these secrets.

Captain Lance and the rest of Team Arrow try to come to grips with the loss of Laurel. To be fair, death hasn't exactly been permanent in their past experiences. It is this time though, and everyone takes turns blaming themselves. To make a terrible situation worse, a copycat swipes Laurel's sonic device and smears Black Canary's reputation. Amidst the tears and frustrations, we stumbled onto this secret:

  • A stay at Star City Plaza Hotel

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Don't peek behind the mask if you don't want to know any more. But of course you do and you will.





You Can Check Out Any Time You Like

Evelyn's holed up at the Star City Plaza Hotel. We first heard of the location when it was the Starling City Plaza Hotel, and it appeared in an Arrow comic tie-in released before the television series began. In the comic, it was revealed Oliver Queen owned (past tense) the establishment.

No need for YOU to cry! We'll see you here for more DCTV Secrets next week!