Have a case of the Mondays? No worries. Loads of exclusive previews ran over the weekend and they just might help distract you from the impending work week. Ready? THE WALL STREET JOURNAL’s SPEAKEASY BLOG ran an exclusive preview of SUPERMAN #2, which finds Daily Planet co-workers Clark Kent and Lois Lane discussing the future of print journalism. USA TODAY gave you a first look at ALL-STAR WESTERN #2. "We're uncovering a bigger chunk of the mystery surrounding the Gotham Butcher and what exactly is happening in the fledgling city of Gotham, at its very core of its industrial revolution at that time," said series co-writer Justin Gray. "The gambit being made by a certain criminal underworld to establish their roots in Gotham would have lasting implications throughout, all the way to the timeline with Batman." Curious what happens when members from the entire color spectrum of the Green Lantern Corps come together? Then look no further than UGO, who has your first look at GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS #2. A new fury is unleashed in THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #2 and KOTAKU has your exclusive first sneak peek at it. Take a glimpse at Carter Hall vs. the newly awakened Morphicus in THE SAVAGE HAWKMAN #2 over at GAWKER’S IO9. Is Voodoo a hero or a villain? IGN helps you decide with their preview of VOODOO #2. COMICVINE teases at the secrets Lady Blackhawk is keeping to herself with their preview of BLACKHAWKS #2. Meanwhile, THE ONION’S A.V. CLUB ran a profile of BATMAN and SWAMP THING writer Scott Snyder. “What if there’s a reason that he was chosen? What if there’s something in his past? What if he’s always known that Swamp Thing was waiting for him and waiting to claim him?” Snyder said of SWAMP THING protagonist Alec Holland. “What if he wasn’t just meant to be Swamp Thing, but the accident that supposedly turned him into Swamp Thing actually prevented him from becoming the Swamp Thing he was supposed to be, because you’re supposed to bond to the Green in your life, and the accident killed him? And this idea that he’s not just supposed to be Swamp Thing, but he’s supposed to be the greatest Swap Thing ever. We’ve never seen that creature that he could be, hypothetically. Once I had that I knew that was it. I was like, ‘This is my story.’ It’s everything I love to write about and I’ve been a fan of the character forever.” And don’t worry. It may be Monday, but we’ll have all sorts of interesting things happening this week on THE SOURCE. To be continued …